The ensemble
Founded in 2010, the Saint-Hilaire ensemble specializes in the rediscovery of original French baroque music. Les Chantres focus primarily on sacred music, preceding both Lully and Delalande, although Delalande is often considered the founder of the French baroque style. Devoted to the music of Eustache Du Caurroy’s, the ensemble’s aim is to make baroque music accessible to modern audiences by taking a dynamic and truly vibrant approach, distancing itself from the austere connotations often conveyed with classical music of this era.
Needless to say, Les Chantres can interpret a variety of repertoires encompassing almost two centuries of European music in either small or large musical formations. Musical formations place honour on the role of the voice while also creating coherent orchestral dimension in the service of this venerable style of music. The musical formations extend from an ensemble of 3 musicians up to 40 musicians.
Les Chantres make up one of the largest early musical ensembles and best musical colleges. The ensemble is comprised of the work of talented artists, who sing and play in internationally renowned early music and vocal ensembles.
Les Chantres de Saint-Hilaire ensemble is directed by François-Xavier Lacroux and is supported by the Gironde department, the Langon commune, the city of Sauternes, the city of Bordeaux, the FCM, the SPEDIDAM, the LVMH group, the Château Filhot, Entreprise CD2, Société CLERE, Assurances Aviva.
Les Chantres de Saint-Hilaire ensemble is produced by Les Fils du Tonaire Production.

Musique en la chapelle d'Henri IV
(2010 - Triton - Référence : TRI331167 3760229161674 - 2 CD )
2010 the year to commemorate the good king Henry the IV. An occasion for the Saint-Hilaire Singers (Chantres de Saint-Hilaire), ensemble of soloists renowned for their work on pre-baroque music, to record the world premiere of motets with voices 4, 5, and 6 pulled from the Preces Ecclesiasticae by Eustache du Caurroy ...
Serpentnewsletter - 10/2012
« This is another fine recording, with the excellent acoustics of the Collegiale Church of Uzeste, clean vocals and a clear recording technique. Nègre's playing (serpent) is appropriate to the style and balances perfectly in the mix..."
Sud-Ouest - 29/12/12010
"On peut suivre parfaitement chacun des timbres dans ces polyphonies à 4, 5 ou 6 voix et savourer l'enchevêtrement des lignes (...). De la musique à découvrir, en disque faute de mieux, mais qui ne prend son sens que dans une église, en communion avec la ferveur des interprètes. A pister dans les agendas, donc !"
CD recordings
Motets à la Cour du Roy
(2014 - Triton - Référence : TRI331185 - 1 CD)
The birth of the great French Motet from Du Caurroy to Pierre Robert. Double choir and orchestra. This product consists of 90% unpublished work, both on the disk and musical score! It showcases French talent through a few selected motets: a double choir of Eustache du Caurroy, supported by two instrumental groups; Two great works of Nicolas Formé; The psalms of Thomas Gobert; A short motet by Pierre Robert where the role of soloists and the structure of the continuo can be better recognized, currently still in the state of a manuscript; Instrumental pieces from a collection listed at the National Library of France: Royal melodies from the 17th century; And finally, the great motet "Sacris solemniis" by Jehan Veillot, which, already in its form and its arrangement of the instrumental parts, is near completion.
Utmisol - 21/01/2014
« Il est des enregistrements rares et passionnants, ces Motets à la Cour du Roy en font partie. Même si Thomas Gobert, Nicolas Formé ou Eustache du Courroy sont aujourd’hui oubliés, leurs musiques ici restituées avec une infinie élégance sont magnifiques. La Musica simplex de Nicolas Formé avec son Hymne pour les rois de France est une partition superbe. Les Chantres de Saint-Hilaire réalisent ici un travail remarquable, leurs lectures d’une immense précision donnent à ces pages oubliées un relief étonnant : du grand art. Un enregistrement à consommer sans modération. » Marc Laborde
La Marseille - 16/03/2014
"François-Xavier Lacroux dirige ces merveilles oubliées, avec clarté et magnificence, grâce aux talents vocal et instrumental, du jeune ensemble girondin, Les Chantres de Saint-Hilaire" - Jacques Freschel
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